Greater involvement of people living with HIV (GIPA)
While it is generally accepted the world over that there must be a twin strategy for combating HIV/AIDS — prevention and treatment — the Indian government has focused largely on prevention, with far less emphasis on treatment. Furthermore, people living with HIV/AIDS are stigmatized and face significant discrimination. In this context, the HIV/AIDS and the Law Initiative at SLIC uses a rights-based approach to support people affected by HIV against all forms of discrimination by defending their fundamental human rights including their right to life, health, privacy, education, employment, housing, and other matters.
What SLIC Does
The HIV/AIDS and the Law initiative was established to create mechanisms to provide critical legal assistance to HIV-affected persons and empower them to combat stigma and discrimination. We do this by training and empowering stakeholders and community leaders to identify and resolve legal problems, setting up and running HIV legal aid centers, and providing free legal aid to those affected by HIV/AIDS. The Initiative focuses particularly on providing support to vulnerable and marginalized communities such as women, children, transgenders, commercial sex workers, prisoners, men who have sex with men (MSM), and intravenous drug users (IDUs), amongst others.To facilitate easy and increased access to the justice system for HIV-positive people, we have established a pan–India network of HIV/AIDS Legal Aid Centres, wherein our lawyers partner with Positive Network Groups to provide legal aid. Thus far, over 25 such centers have been set up in collaboration with positive network, NGOs, SHGs, etc. These centers are in Delhi, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Manipur, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Orissa, Kerala, West Bengal, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, Jharkhand, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Chandigarh, Sikkim, Uttarakhand, Goa, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
Main Concerns
· Education, medical, and employment discrimination
· Family discrimination
· Property rights
· Gender discrimination
· Adoption and guardianship
SLIC Impact
The Initiative’s two-day National Judicial Colloquium on HIV/AIDS and the Law in 2007 brought together over 50 judges from the various High Courts and the Supreme Court of India, along with eminent speakers from South Africa as well as the Indian Parliament. Partnered by UNAIDS, the colloquium provided the space for an intense discussion on many legal and social issues surrounding HIV and or AIDS. A major publication, the first of its kind in India – HIV/AIDS and the Law, volumes I & II — produced by its team contains case laws on HIV and legal issues. It has served as a ready reference for Judges at all levels as well as for lawyers and members of the affected communities to access information on case laws and judgments. The initiative has also published books on the struggle for treatment, the ethics of mandatory HIV testing, and produced a documentary film on HIV and rights titled “I want to Live” that has been screened in India and major international festivals in Canada, Germany and the UK.
Jalpaiguri District Meeting
As per the latest HIV estimates report (2019) of the Government, India is estimated to have around 23.49 ...read more
Bongaon District Meeting
Attaining equality between women and men and eliminating all forms of discrimination against women are fundame ...read more
State Level Meeting on Violation of Human Rights in West Bengal During Covid 19
Prior to the announcement of the National Lockdown on 25 March 2020, a number of courts had shut down in response to t ...read more
Forceful compulsory retirement of PLHIV during COVID 19
Subhash Verma Vs Commandent Battalion of Ujjain, W.P. No. 11487/2020
Patna High Court DIrects BSACS For Timely Delivery Of Medicines For Third Line HIV Patients
Mr ABC Vs State of Bihar, CWJC No. 5692/2020
Patna High Court takes cognisance of lack of availability of ART Drugs
Mr. ABC vs Executive Director (Health) cum Project Director, Bihar State AIDS Control Society, Bihar
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Madhya Pradesh: PIL Filed for HIV Patient during COVID - 19
Shivdayal Vs. State of M.P., W.P. (PIL) No. 7615/2020
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The High Court of Judicature at Patna orders state government to provide medical facilities to HIV+ patients across the State in Bihar, and “available through the year”
Mr. ABC vs. Executive Director (Health) cum Project Director Bihar State Aids Control Society, Bihar and Ors. (CWJC 5692 of 2020)
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A Judicial Colloquium - HIV/AIDS and the Law
Edited by Dipika Jain, Rachel Stephens, Laya Medhini The book covers the deliberations of the national judicial colloqu ...read more
HIV/AIDS and Law (Hindi)
Edited by Laya Medhini, Dipika Jain, & Colin Gonsalves A human rights approach to HIV/AIDS is based on the State o ...read more
After SLIC's files PIL, health ministry issues Gazette notification on implementation of HIV & AIDS Act, 2017
More than a year after Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Act received as ...read more
The struggle for Access to Treatment for HIV/AIDS in India
Text by Dipika Jain and Rachel Stephens Edited by Laya Medhini The struggle for treatment in India has been a journey t ...read more
SLIC's Kolkata unit forms a strong alliance with the transgender community in West Bengal
SLIC started working on issues faced by the transgender community since 2016, where a matter on behalf of a transgender ...read more
High Court orders proper implementation of the directions laid down by the Supreme Court in National Legal Services Authority v. Union of India
Satyabhama Rath Vrs. State of Orissa & Others W.P.C (PIL) No. 15601 of 2015
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