The SLIC Chhattisgarh office, based at Bilaspur, has been functional since 2009. The Unit has since been involved in legal interventions for enforcing civil political socio economic rights of tribals, dalits, women,economically weak. Chhattisgarh fairs below the national average when it comes to various development indicators. It is socially and economically backward and has the lowest Human Development Index in India. Tribals constitute about 31% of the total population and a large part of the state falls under the Scheduled Areas under the Constitution, however very little is done to safeguard their rights.
The conflict between the state and maoist rebels in the tribal belt have resulted in large scale human rights violations of the people living in these areas.
Main Concerns
1. Violation of Civil, Political, Socio Economic rights of people in the state’s maoist conflict areas
2. Non Implementation of special laws like Scheule V Constitution of India, Panchayati Raj Extension to Scheduled Areas Act, Forest Rights Act
3. Large scale displacement, land grabbing, environmental degradation
4. Caste Atrocities
5. Dismal condition of the public health system
6. Widespread poverty
7. Immensely patriarchal society and large scale violence against women
Webinar on Students for Human Rights
Socio-Legal Information Centre conducted a zoom webinar on Students for Human Rights – Chhattisgarh. Advocate Kishore ...read more
Rape survivors struggle to terminate her pregnancy caused due the assault
Amita Kujur Vs. State of Chhattisgarh & Ors.(WP (C) 976/2016