People's Health Rights
What SLIC Does
Given the intrinsic link between health and the work that the Socio-Legal Information Centre undertakes through its HIV/AIDS, Disability, Women, Child Rights, Sexual and Reproductive Rights Initiative, etc, this Initiative’s efforts are reflected in all our programmes.Our primary concern is to provide legal services to persons who have been denied treatment, discriminated against, or excluded from the public health system. To this end, the PHRI has filed a series of cases relating to people’s health rights and is setting numerous legal precedents through these cases. Through the strategic use of litigation, it not only provides access to justice for individuals contesting the case, but also develops the definition and concept of people’s health rights in the Indian judiciary by developing positive case-law precedents.
PHRI firmly believes that India must provide access to free medical treatment for its poor and marginalized populations. It therefore strongly advocates against the government’s recent moves to privatize health, insisting that the health system has to prioritize the needs of the poor and needy above all else. Its lawyers and activists participate actively in national debates on health law and policy, engage in advocacy on health rights, train lawyers, activists, and the public about people’s health rights under Indian law, and collaborate with health activists around the country to monitor the implementation of existing government health schemes such as the National Rural Health Mission, the National Maternity Benefit Scheme, the Jannani Surakha Yojana, etc.
Main Concerns
· Right to health
· Universal access to treatment
· Free access to treatment for the poor and marginalized
· Universal access to essential drugs
· Right to information
· Right to informed consent
· Right of choice
· Medical negligence
· Reasonable care
SLIC Impact
The initiative has filed a series of cases that have achieved results by ensuring the rights of persons with specific health violations. This includes a case arguing for the rights of haemophiliacs to essential life-saving drugs at affordable prices, a case ensuring that the medical costs of prisoners are borne by the state, and a case enquiring into state officials engaging in religious practices in government hospitals that was causing hardship to people whose medical treatment was cancelled as a result.
Its team has also filed a series of cases relating to the conditions of Public Health Centres, Community Health Centres, and facilities in public hospitals. Due to its legal interventions, the government has ordered that blood facilities be made available and has given directions for a number of states to conduct inquiries into their public health systems.
State Consultation on Tiger Widows, Forest Rights Act, Reproductive Health Rights, and Human Trafficking
Sundarban is the largest tidal mangrove forest located in the south-east of India adjoining the Bay of Bengal with ...read more
DISABILITY RIGHTS Worldwide one billion individuals have a disability. Many people with disabilities ...read more
Trafficking in persons is a serious crime and a grave violation of Human Rights, every year, thousands of women and ch ...read more
North Dinajpur District Meeting
Census 2011 pegs the number of persons with disabilities in India at 26.9 million, which is 2.12% of th ...read more
Jalpaiguri District Meeting
As per the latest HIV estimates report (2019) of the Government, India is estimated to have around 23.49 ...read more
Bongaon District Meeting
Attaining equality between women and men and eliminating all forms of discrimination against women are fundame ...read more
Madras High Court Issued Notice to Tamil Nadu Government on re-opening of the Speciality Transgender clinic at Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, Chennai.
Sivakumar TD Vs. State of Tamil Nadu & Ors WP No. 16248 of 2021
State Level Meeting on Violation of Human Rights in West Bengal During Covid 19
Prior to the announcement of the National Lockdown on 25 March 2020, a number of courts had shut down in response to t ...read more
Legal Interventions for Thalassemia patients in Jharkhand
Arun kumar Singh Vs. State of Jharkahnd & others
PIL filed in Orissa High Court seeking priority vaccines and Covid care management to Adivasi and PVTGs
Upendra Bhai Vrs State of Odisha and others-W.P.(C) PIL No. 17182 of 2021
Intervenor Application filed in the Patna High Court for regulating the price of ambulance and emergency medical services during the pandemic
Mrityunjay Kumar Vs. State of Bihar & Others IA No. 4/ 21 in CWJC 353/2021
Minor rape survivor's safe medical termination of pregnancy of 23 weeks
Madhusudha Biswal Vrs State of Odisha -W.P.(C) No. 13546 of 2021
Disposed off
Sundergarh tribal villages objection to plying of commercial coal laden vehicle through their village road.
Rajendra Naik and others Vrs State of Odisha and others -W.P.(C) No. 6587 of 2021
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Medical Negligence
Court on its own motion Versus The State of Jharkhand W. P. (PIL) No. 645 of 2021
Inquiry team has to file its report and state of Jharkhand has to file its response
State Quarantine Centre in Deplorable Condition: Lekhi, Arunachal Pradesh
PIL 6 of 2020, Sange Dakpa Loda versus Union of India
Disposed off with directions
SLIC files Amicus in before Republic of Uganda for establishing food reserves
Promote, Protect and Preserve The Health & Hygiene of adolescent girls
Sheela Vs. State of M.P., W.P. No. 6840/2020
Karnataka High Court directs Government of India to consider modification of SOP for treatment of Covid-19 symptoms to protect patients' right of choice
A. Varughese & Anr. v. Union of India & Ors. WP No. 9773/2020 (GM-PIL)
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Using the Law for Human Rights in Arunachal Pradesh
On 18th July, the Socio-Legal Information Centre, in collaboration with North East Support Centre & Helpline, Himala ...read more
Medical Termination of Pregnancy of rape victim
Raju Ravidas Versus State of Jharkhand and ors.
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Patna High Court takes cognisance of lack of availability of ART Drugs
Mr. ABC vs Executive Director (Health) cum Project Director, Bihar State AIDS Control Society, Bihar
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Relief Work - Bihar Unit
SLIC team (Deepak Kumar Singh, Shashwat, Vishal and Fazal Abdali) initiated the identification of the vulnerable familie ...read more
Fact Finding on Manual Scavenging
A team comprising one lawyer from Socio-Legal Information Centre (SLIC) , a law student and a couple of local Social Act ...read more
High Court Seeks Reply From State in Petition Against Improper Implementation of Menstrual Hygiene Scheme
Indore bench of Madhya Pradesh HC has issued notice to state govt seeking reply in a petition filed against failur ...read more
Madhya Pradesh HC seeks reply from state in petition against improper implementation of Menstrual Hygiene Scheme
INDORE: Indore bench of MP high court has issued notice to state government seeking reply in a petition filed agai ...read more
Kerala SLIC provides medical aid to infirm, old Adivasi woman, files petition to improve quality of life
An elderly adivadi woman from the Paniya community had been suffering from cancerous growth in her mouth. She lived with ...read more
Indian Public Health Standards & Right to Health: A Case Study of Raga Primary Health Centre
Amongst the various persisting health problems in India, one of the most pressing – both as a public health and as a h ...read more
Indian Public Health Standards & Right to Health: A Case Study of Ziro District Hospital
“For a middle-income country of its stature and level of development, the rate of maternal deaths in India is shocking ...read more
ESIC cannot sell/lease its medical colleges, says Delhi high court
In a significant move, the Delhi high court on Thursday (October 12, 2017) declared as “legally impermissible” the E ...read more
Delhi HC strikes down ESIC’s fraudulent move to create, sell medical institutions
Balaraj Jadhav and Ors. Vs. Union of India and Ors W.P.(C) No. 11837 of 2015
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Using the Law for Public Health
Editor: Augustine Veliath. Coordination: Sanjai Sharma. ...read more
SLIC files petition seeking action against alarming number of children dying from malnutrition in MP
Shriprakash Singh Nimraje vs State of MP & Ors Several children have died of malnutrition-related ailments in Madhya ...read more
Fact findings on Public Health Centres in South West Khasi Hills, Shillong
Please find the Fact Finding Report attached. Public Health Centres in South West Khasi hills Districts of Meghalay ...read more
Fact finding report on Public Heath Centres in Meghalaya
Please find the Fact finding report attached. Rambrai Public health centre In West West Khasi Hills District of Me ...read more
Fact finding on Public Health Centres in Shillong, Meghlaya
Please find the Fact Finding Report attached. Public Health Centres in Ri-Bhoi and East Khasi hills Districts of ...read more
Fact findings related to maternal and infant deaths in Meghalaya
Please find the report attached. ...read more
Doctor sacked for allegedly not making enough money for charitable St. Stephens's hospital
Rani Bhatia Versus St. Stephens Hospital Society & Ors.
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It ...read more
Covid Hospitals cannot arbitrary deny use of mobile phones
WP 5416 of 2020: Jaimin Rajani Versus The State of West Bengal